why do we trade forex
Why trade Forex?
If you were to ask someone on the street what their opinion of forex trading was, you'd most likely get the following responses:
"Why on Earth would you want to throw your money away like that?"
"Your broker will steal your money."
"You're much safer investing in blue chip stocks for the long term."
For one reason or another, forex is unfortunately seen by many as a risky, get rich quick scam. But is that a fair assessment? Well the answer is actually both yes and no.
Like most things in life, people fear what they don't actually understand and if you don't educate yourself and dive in head first with your life savings trading forex with an unregulated broker, what the heck do you expect? Of course you're likely to lose your money…
On the other hand, if you put in the time to properly educate yourself as a forex trader, understand the leverage available to you, your broker's financial regulation and most importantly how to manage your risk, then Forex could well be the perfect market for you to trade!
So what are some of the advantages that forex trading has over trading stocks and other markets?
Forex Trading is Easy
Unlike other forms of investing, forex trading is easy to get started. When you compare what you need to get started trading forex with what you need to get started in stocks, options or futures trading, they all pale in comparison.
All you need to trade forex is a computer, an internet connection and a mind that wants to learn! Open an account with a forex broker such as Vantage with as little as $100 and take advantage of the copious amounts of free forex education that is on the Vantage website!
Forex Trading is Cheap
As you just read, forex trading doesn't require you to deposit tens of thousands of dollars into your account just to get started. You can open an account and begin trading forex with as little as a $100 deposit.
Another huge advantage that forex trading has over stocks, options and futures is costs to enter and exit a trade. With other financial instruments and markets, you can pay huge fees to simply enter and exit a one size fits all trade. Forex on the other hand allows you to trade just 0.01 of a standard lot, paying just the spread.
The Ability to Trade Forex Anywhere, Anytime
Unlike your 9 to 5 day job, forex trading doesn't restrict you to your desk or worksite. If you don't want to be inside, then don't be inside! Forex gives you the ability to trade anywhere, anytime. Trade wherever and whenever you want, it's up to you.
Access your MetaTrader 4 account on a computer, laptop, web browser, tablet or mobile phone. All you need is an internet connection. Always be connected to the market and never let a trading opportunity go by wishing you could have profited from it!
World's Biggest Market
Here's a question for you. How many stock charts have you looked at and seen gaps scattered throughout the chart?
Remember that gaps mean that you can't get in or out of a trade at those prices because there is simply no one looking to buy or sell there. This adds a whole other element of risk to stock traders that forex traders don't have to worry about.
The forex market is the biggest, most liquid market in the world. Get involved with a FREE $50,000 demo forex trading account and start your journey with Vantage today.
Source: https://www.vantagefx.com/education_centre/why-trade-forex/
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